Friday, August 31, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 046


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Two girls smiling
Two girls smiling

A girl is a female child, as opposed to a boy, a male child. The age at which a female person transitions from girl to woman varies in different societies; typically the transition from adolescence to maturity is taken to occur in the late teens. The English word (first documented in 1290) originally designated a child of either gender. To designate between the two genders, a female child was called a gay girl, while a male child was called a knave girl.[1] During the 14th century its sense was narrowed to specifically female children. Subsequently, it was extended to refer also to mature but unmarried young women since the 1530s. Usage in the sense of (romantic) "sweetheart" arose in the 17th century.

Historically, girls faced discrimination and limitations on the roles they were expected to play in their societies, and the United Nations targeted discrimination in schooling to end by 2010. An ongoing debate about the influences of nature versus nurture in shaping the behavior of girls and boys raises questions about whether the roles played by girls are the result of inborn differences or socialization. Images of girls in art, literature, and popular culture often demonstrate assumptions about gender roles.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 045

Sexual contexts

In softcore pornography, which was originally presented mainly in the form of "straight men's magazines", it was barely acceptable to show a glimpse of nipple in the 1950s. By the 1970s, in such mainstream magazines as Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, and Playgirl no region of the body was considered off limits. Meanwhile, a growing business of hardcore pornography has developed, including photo magazines and motion pictures, in which total nudity (and any variety of sexual activity) is commonplace.

Originally, nude dancing was mainly presented in the form of the "strip-tease". This was generally a stage show in which the dancer progressively removed his or her clothing while dancing to music. Prominent early- to mid-twentieth century "strip-tease artists" such as Gypsy Rose Lee rarely included total nudity as part of their sometimes quite elaborate acts. Now most "exotic" dancers perform topless (independent of gender, of course), perhaps wearing a thong bottom. In the 1970s, on an official level, men entered the strip club field, performing partially-unclothed dances primarily at clubs (the Chippendales being the most common example). Both genders had been unofficially dancing at clubs for many years (at least since the 1950s), and today at clubs catering to gay, straight, and everything in-between clientele.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 044

Overt consensual sexual activity

Social nudity organizations widely maintain and enforce a policy prohibiting sex in view of others, and many non-sexualized social nudity groups describe themselves as family-oriented.

Organized sexual activity does occur at some private establishments (see Sex club), but the main naturist and nudist organizations tend to distance themselves from them. Usually the established, registered clubs have strict codes against freer sexuality, which is not popular enough to hold sway in very many places.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 043

Sexual stimulation

Sexual stimulation, whether direct or indirect, is not acceptable. Masturbation in public or in view of others is usually forbidden. Touching or massaging of another's genitals could cause sexual stimulation, and is also similarly restricted. It is usually acceptable to apply suntan lotion to another's body, including a person's back and buttocks, as long as the intent or effect is not noticeable sexual stimulation.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 042

Responding to erections

Should an erection occur, one can simply cover up, switch over onto their side or stomach, jump into the pool, take a shower, ignore it until it subsides, etc. Flaunting an erection is considered extremely bad manners in most nude groups. Many consider it lewd. Others may not mind personally, but don't want to let such behaviour scare off new members.

Many practioneers of social nudity do not want men to openly present their erection (whether voluntary or spontaneous). However, some believe it should be included as a part of "body acceptance" — a key philosophy of nudists. This has been the subject of much of a mass debate in nudist/naturist Internet forums. For some activities (e.g. water skiing or dancing), hiding an erection might be difficult. In such cases, some forms of etiquette suggest that it be ignored by others.

Public nude beaches tend to be less strict on the issue of erections than private resorts. However, flaunting of an erection is still considered to be sexually motivated behavior and is discouraged.

Although erections cannot be controlled people still find offense if seen in public, even though the erection of womens nipples is seen as acceptable

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 041

Voluntary and involuntary erections

The possibility of an erection is a concern often cited by males who are apprehensive of social nudity, but pracitioneers do not consider that fear to be warranted. They note that an erection is very rare in social nudity, affecting around 1% of the adult male population. Men may feel more self-conscious at first, and therefore less likely to be aroused. Then, after being accustomed to social nudity, they would come to view it as natural and non-sexual.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 040

Children, social nudity, sexual awareness and maturity

See also: Child sexuality.

Many nudists and naturists say that social nudity helps their children to mature in their sexual attitudes, to be able to see nudity and sexuality in a more realistic light, and thus to be able to relate to others with fewer sexual "hang-ups". The claim is that as a child grows up in the textile world, curiosity about other people's bodies merges with developing sexuality and leads to distorted ideas about sex, as well as mingled fascination and shame about the body. It is possible that this phase in many people's upbringing leads to an interest in pornography and voyeurism in adolescence, continuing into adulthood for some people. No serious claims have been made that children brought up in a naturist environment are more likely than their clothed peers to be involved in precocious sexual activity; if anything, the reverse seems to be true.[citation needed]

Involvement in naturism has not been shown to be harmful to childhood psychological development.[1] Parents always need to be vigilant to guard their children against sexual predators and other problems, but that applies equally to contexts of social nudity and other clothed activities.

Recently, to avoid legal problems, some resorts and clubs in the USA forbid bringing minor children from other families without written permission in advance. A few even exclude children of divorced parents without the written consent of the other ex-spouse (unless they can prove full custody). That does not apply to public beaches.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 039

Social nudity and sexuality

Many who have not practiced social nudity believe that nudity in a social setting is sexually stimulating and arousing, whether they think that's good or bad. Some naturists and nudists will counter-claim that there is more sexual tension in the scantily clad environment of a pool or a beach than at a nude site. The latter also argue that so much nudity quickly causes it to become routine, so that simple nudity by itself is insufficient to have much sexual effect. Nudist clubs often argue that the vast majority of men do not become sexually aroused in a nude social setting, and many view nudity as non-sexual.

Nevertheless, depending on various factors, when two or more people are together, and one or more are nude, this may by someone present or an outsider be associated with sexual activities, such as an invitation, or an indication that they might have taken place.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 038

Historically, nudity has existed in contexts ranging from non-sexual social nudity, to sensual nudity, to sexualized nudity.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Euro Bikini Girls 037

Beachwear within a hierarchy of formality: related concepts

Henry Scott Tuke often (here "Ruby, gold and malachite," 1902) depicts English coastal boys in the bare on the beach and at sea
Henry Scott Tuke often (here "Ruby, gold and malachite," 1902) depicts English coastal boys in the bare on the beach and at sea

Beachwear is not necessarily used for swimming or bathing, and may be used just for lounging around a beach. It is therefore not mandatory to be hydrodynamic or fast-drying, but specifically designed beachwear is as a rule either or both; some swimwear, notably diving suits, is rather unfit for use on land.

Beachwear can be classified within a hierarchy of formality as follows:

  • naked (least possible amount of clothing)
  • underwear (may also double as swimwear)
Man in modern swimsuit on the beach
Man in modern swimsuit on the beach
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